AUTHOR : Joe Long
The Appeal of Metal and Vinyl Siding

If there’s one thing we all know about Florida, it’s that its sunny weather makes a good reason alone for anyone to stay long-term. If there’s one other thing we all know about Florida, it’s that the storms can be like hell to endure. So, of course, any smart Floridian should know how to prepare for the worst storms that come their way. They also need to know the long-term effects those brutal storms can have on their houses.

A house can suffer long-term damage if its construction is made up of wood, which it usually is. Even if it’s strong enough to withstand tropical storms of any kind with its wooden structure, this eventually leads to chipping. Especially on the siding. Which inevitably means the siding will, at some point or another, have to be replaced. Now you can replace it with wooden siding, but Mother Nature does not let up for anyone, so it won’t take long for that to be replaced too. That’s why durable siding, like metal and vinyl, is the better option to go.

Something that a house’s siding should have at its core is longevity above all else. That’s why you need metal or vinyl siding to provide exactly that. With either of them installed, you won’t have to worry about the long-term effects any tropical storm may have on the siding of your house for a while. In addition, they will provide much more durable material than classic wood does.

Now, you don’t need both. There is no right or wrong choice as to which form of siding you would like. It all depends on what you are looking for in siding installation. If you want a siding that comes with easy installation and won’t require much looking after, then metal siding is the way to go. It’s because of its simplicity that metal siding has become so popular to install in Florida.

If you want a more cost-effective siding and gives a more realistic appearance of a natural house, then vinyl siding is what you’re looking for. They provide much versatility, don’t cost much, and can save you money on utilities.

The truth is, making sure your siding is in ship shape should be a priority. Florida provides so much apparent beauty that it’s hard to forget that its tropical storms can be unforgiving at times. Unfortunately, the siding of your house usually suffers a fair amount from it. If you want to prevent that as much as possible, then metal and vinyl siding are viable options to look into.

Joe Long

Joe Long brings over 25 years of construction experience to his role as owner of Mr. Build Inc. in Florida. After graduating with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Northern Illinois University in 1995, Joe went on to launch Keystone Custom Homes in Illinois in 2003. For 15 years, he oversaw the building of multi-million dollar luxury homes before relocating to Florida in 2018.

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