The WindPact Plus® single hung has been designed specifically for the costal impact-resistant market not to tilt in, resulting in the strongest and safest vinyl impact-resistant single hung on the market. The sash recesses back into the frame, allowing for a much higher design pressure, instead of relying on small tilt latches to keep your sash intact when impacted. The average weight of a sash in an impact-resistant window is 35 lbs. By not tilting in, you are protected from a very heavy piece of glass to support.


  • Choose the strongest and safest vinyl impact-resistant single hung on the market.

    • Oriel, Arch Top and Half Circle configurations available
    • Continuous head and sill twin options
    • Exterior beveled frame for architectural style
    • Single hung sliding windows are designed to slide effortlessly up or down on heavy duty block-and-tackle sash balances
    • Integral lift handles on top and bottom rails for ease of operation
    • Design pressures up to +/- 100